AAU acute anterior uveitis 急性前葡萄膜炎
AC anterior chamber 前房
AION anterior ischemic optic neuropathy 前缺血性視神經病變
ARC abnormal retinal correspondence 異常視網膜相稱
ARMD age related macular degeneration 老年性黃斑部病變
AS anterior synechiae 虹膜前粘連
BDR background diabetic retinopathy 基底性糖尿病視網膜病變
BRAO branch retinal artery occlusion 視網膜動脈分支阻塞
BRVO branch retinal vein occlusion 視網膜靜脈分支阻塞
C/D cup/disk ratio 視凹/視神經盤比率
CACG chronic angle-closure glaucoma 慢性隅角閉鎖性青光眼
CF or ND counting finger, number of digits 手指數
CME cystoid macular edema 囊狀黃斑部水腫
CO cortical opacity 水晶體皮質混濁
CRAO central retinal artery occlusion 中心性視網膜動脈阻塞
CRVO central retinal vein occlusion 中心性視網膜靜脈阻塞
CSCR central serous chorioretinopathy 中心性漿液性脈絡膜視網膜病變
CNV choroidal neovascular membrane 脈絡膜新生血管膜
D diopter 折光能力指數
DCR dacryocystorhinostomy 淚囊鼻腔吻合術
ECCE extracapsular cataract extraction 囊外晶體摘除術
EKC epidemic keratoconjunctivitis 流行性角膜炎
EOG electro-oculogram 眼電圖
EOM extraocular movement 眼外肌運動
ERG electroretinogram 視網膜電位圖
ET esotropia 內斜視
F’D fundus 眼底
FAG fluorescein angiogram 眼底螢光血管攝影
GFE gas-fluid exchange 氣體液體交換術
GPC giant papillary conjunctivitis 巨大乳頭結膜炎
HM hang motion 手動
HCL hard contact lens 硬式隱型眼鏡
HSK herpetic simplex keratitis 單純性皰疹角膜炎
HZO herpes zoster ophthalmics 帶狀皰疹眼症
ICCE intracapsular cataract extraction 囊內晶體摘除術
IOFB intraocular foreign body 眼內異物
IOL intraocular lens 人工水晶體
IOM inferior oblique muscle 下斜肌
IOP intraocular pressure 眼內壓
IVI intravitreous injection 玻璃體內注射
KP keratic precipitate 角膜沉澱物
KSD keratitis superficial diffuse 表淺性散在性角膜炎
LP or SL light perception, sensation of light 光感
LPI laser peripheral iridectomy 雷射周邊虹膜切開術
LR light reflex 光反射
LRM lateral rectus muscle 外直肌
NC noncorrectable 無法矯正
回覆刪除MRM medial rectus muscle 內直肌
NLD nasolacrimal duct 鼻淚管
NLP or NSL no light perception, sensation of light 無光感
NRC normal retinal correspondence 異常視網膜相稱
NS nuclersclerosis 水晶體核硬化
NVD neovascularization on disk 視神經乳頭新生血管
NVE neovascularization elsewhere 視網膜新生血管(除NVD以外)
NVG neovascular glaucoma 新生血管性青光眼
OD right eye, oculus dexter 右眼
OS left eye, oculus sinister 左眼
OU both eyes, oculi utrque 雙眼
PACG primary angle-closure glaucoma 原發性隅角閉鎖性青光眼
PAS peripheral anterior synechiae 周邊虹膜前粘連
回覆刪除PC posterior chamber 後房
PD interpupillary distance 瞳孔間距
PDR proliferative diabetic retinopathy 增殖性糖尿病視網膜病變
PH pin hole 針孔
PI peripheral iridectomy 周邊虹膜切除術
PK penetrating keratoplasty 全層角膜移植術
PKP penetrating keratoplasty 全層角膜移植術
POAG primary open angle glaucoma 原發性隅角開放性青光眼
PP posterior pole 後極
PPDR pre-PDR 早期增殖性糖尿病視網膜病變
PRP panretinal photocoagulation 全視網膜光凝固術
PS posterior synechiae 後粘連
PSCO posterior subcapsular opacity 後晶體束下混濁
PT pterygium 翼狀贅片
PVD posterior vitreous detachment 後玻璃體剝離
PVR proliferative vitreoretinopathy 增殖性玻璃體視網膜病變
RAPD relative afferent papillary defect 相對性傳入性瞳孔反射缺損
RD retinal detachment 視網膜剝離
RK radial keratotomy 放射狀角膜切開術
ROP retinal pigment epithelium 早產兒視網膜病變
RP retinitis pigmentosa 色素性視網膜炎
RPE retinal pigment epithelium 視網膜色素上皮
RPED RPE detachment 視網膜色素上皮剝離
SB scleral buckling 鞏膜扣壓術
回覆刪除SCH subconjunctival hemorrhage 結膜下出血
SCL soft contact lens 軟性隱型眼鏡
SF6 sulphur hexafluoride 六氟化硫
SOM superuior oblique muscle 上斜肌
SPK superficial punctate keratitis 表淺點狀角膜炎
SRF subretinal fluid 視網膜下液體
SRNV subretinal neovascularization 視網膜下新生血管
VA visual acuity 視力
VEP visual evoked potential 視力激發電位
VF visual field 視野
VH vitreous hemorrhage 玻璃體出血
VKH vogt-koyonagi-harada syndrome VKH症候群
VT vitretomy 玻璃體切除術
XT exotropia 外斜視
回覆刪除眼眶 orbita, orbit, orbital cavity
眼球 bulbus oculi, eyeball, globe
眼球突出 exophthalmos, exophthalmic
眼球凹陷 enophthalmos
斜視 strabismus, squint
散開性(外)斜視 divergent (external) strabismus
會聚性(內)斜視 convergent (internal) strabismus
共動性(麻痺性)斜視 concomitant (paralytic) strabismus
眼球震顫 nystagmus
水平(垂直、回旋、鐘擺狀)眼震 horizontal(vertical、rotatory、oscillating) nystagmus
端位性眼震 end-position nystagmus
隱斜視 heterophoria
外轉隱斜視 exophoria, exophoric
內轉隱斜視 esophoria
會聚 convergence
眼球運動麻痺 paralysis of ocular movement
眼瞼 eyelid, palpebra, (「眼瞼-」blepharo-)
回覆刪除眼裂 palpebral fissure
眼瞼下垂 ptosis
眼瞼內翻 entropion, entropium, inversion of the eyelid
眼瞼外翻 ectropion, ectropium, eversion of the eyelid
眼瞼炎 blepharitis
麥粒腫 hordeolum
霰粒腫 chalazion
睫毛 eyelash
睙腺(管) lacrimal gland (duct)
結膜 conjunctiva
眼瞼結膜 palpebral (bulbar) conjunctiva
結膜充血 conjunctival injection(congestion)
結膜浮腫 chemosis
角膜周圍充血 pericorneal injection
瞼裂斑 pinguecula, palpebral blotch
翼狀片 pterygium
鞏膜 sclera, sceral
角膜 cornea, corneal
老人環 arcus senilis, gerontotoxon
瞳孔 pupil
瞳孔不等 anisocoria
散瞳 mydriasis, mydriatic, dilated
縮瞳 miosis, miotic, contracted
瞳孔反射 papillary reflex
對光反射 light reflex, reaction(response)to light
調節反射 accommodation reflex
會聚反射 reflex to convergence
虹膜 iris, irises or irides
前房蓄膿 hypopyon
水晶體不透明 opacity of the len, lenticular opacity
白內障 cataract
玻璃體 vitreous, vitreous body
眼底 (ocular)fundus, eyeground
回覆刪除網膜 retina
視神經乳頭 optic papilla, optic disk
黃斑macula lutea, macula, macular
乳頭浮腫 papilledema, choked disk
乳頭凹陷 cupping of the disk
視神經乳萎縮 optic atrophy
網膜剝離 detachment(separation) of the retina
弱視 amblyopia(=dimness of vision without detectable organic ldsion)
回覆刪除眼睛疲勞 asthenopia
視野缺損visual field defedt
視野狹窄 contraction of visual field
盲點 scotoma
半盲 hemianopsia
視力 visual acuity, eyesight, vision
視力喪失 lose one’s sight (eyesight), become blind
失明 loss of vision, blindness
視力減退 impairment of visual acuity, impaired vision, fogginess(dimness) of vision, poor
(defective)vision, blurring (of vision)
視野 field of vision, visual field
近視 near-sightedness, myopia, myopy, near-sighted, myopic
回覆刪除近視者 myope
遠視 far-sightedness, hypermetropia, hyperopia
遠視者 hypermetrope, hyperope
折射異常 refractive error
亂視 astigmatism, astigmatic
戴眼鏡wear glasses
以眼鏡矯正 correct (a refractive error) with glasses
複視 diplopia, doulble vision
夜盲 night-blindness, nyctalopia
眼睛疲勞 eyestrain
流淚 tears flow(fall)
流淚過多 overflow of tears, epiphora
異物感 foreign body sensation, a feeling of something (in the eye), grittiness,
進砂感 sandiness
眼脂 discharge from the eye, eye mucus
眨眼 blink, blinking
怕光 photophobia, abnormal intolerance of light, inability to stand light
結膜炎 conjunctivitis
砂眼 trachoma
CCAG: 閉角型青光眼 POAG:開角型青光眼 BDR:糖尿病視網膜病變前期 PDR:糖尿病視網膜病變後期 VH: 糖尿病視網膜
回覆刪除病變嚴重 CF: 手指數 HM:手動 LP:光感 NLP: 無光感(失明)
回覆刪除CCAG: (CACG chronic angle-closure glaucoma 慢性隅角閉鎖性青光眼??) 閉角型青光眼
回覆刪除POAG: (primary open angle glaucoma 原發性隅角開放性青光眼) 開角型青光眼
BDR: (background diabetic retinopathy 基底性糖尿病視網膜病變) 糖尿病視網膜病變前期
PDR: (PDR proliferative diabetic retinopathy 增殖性糖尿病視網膜病變) 糖尿病視網膜病變後期
VH: (VH vitreous hemorrhage 玻璃體出血 ) <-??-> 糖尿病視網膜病變嚴重
CF: (counting finger 手指數) 手指數
HM: (hang motion 手動 ) 手動
LP: (light perception 光感) 光感
NLP: (no light perception 無光感) 無光感(失明)
PVD posterior vitreous detachment 後玻璃體剝離
RD 視網膜剝離Retinal Detachent
Dry eye 乾眼症
PT pterygium 翼狀贅片
只要從你裡面擷取幾個就可以了吧= ='''
眼睛疲勞 eyestrain 這很少用捏~